Competion Classes
​For those less experienced, there are two classes open to all interested in a first experience in the sport or just as a leisure activity , the "Easy Short" and the "Easy Long" classes.
H - Men; D - Women
H / D 10 (born in 2006 or later)
H / D 12 (born in 2004 and 2005)
H / D 14 (born in 2002 and 2003)
H / D 16 (born in 2000 and 2001)
H / D 20 (born between 1999 and 1996)
H / D 21E (born between 1982 and 1995 - Elite)
H / D 21A (born between 1982 and 1998)
H / D 35 (born in 1981 or earlier)
H / D 45 (born in 1971 or earlier)
H / D 55 (born in 1961 or earlier)
Open Classes
Easy Short - Any age, sex, individually or in a group.
1,5 to 2,5 km or an estimated execution time of less than 40 minutes, using linear elements (preferably pathways), without technical difficulty, of reduced physical requirement, with the greatest possible landscape interest, and technical advice;
Easy Long - Any age, sex, individually or in a group.
2 to 4 km or an expected execution time of less than 60 minutes, using linear elements, with low technical difficulty, low physical requirement, and the greatest possible landscape interest;
Entries in the competition classes must be formalized in the ORIOASIS system. In case of difficulty, interested parties should consult the Registration menu or contact the organization through the email: ori@cmofunchal.pt including on the email all the necessary data.
Data necessary for registration by e-mail of athletes not registered in clubs affiliated with the Portuguese Orienteering Federation (FPO), individually or in groups (send all data for each participant):
- Full name;
- Date of birth;
- Identification number, or FPO number if registered;
- Club / Entity / Individual;- Si-card number (on open classes, or if you do not have a Si-card the organization will provide one for use in the race);
- Mobile phone number;
- Participation level (class);
- Stages in which you will participate (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5);
January 29th, 2017 is the deadline for registration on the competition classes. After this date, only enrollment in the open classes will be accepted and it will depend on the availability of maps.
All entries made and unchanged by January 29th will be accounted for payment.
Registration Fees
Deadline for online registration - 23:59 of January 29th, 2017. After this date, registrations made by e-mail to ori@cmofunchal.pt (pending confirmation) or in the secretariat of the event can only be accepted if permitted by the availability of maps.
Any competition entry accepted by the organization after January 29th, 2017 implies the payment of an additional fee of € 1 per race.
REGISTRATIONS ON OPEN CLASSES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THIS EXTRA FEE and can be done on the day of the race, at the secretariat of the event, but conditioned to the availability of maps and up to 30 minutes before the scheduled time for the start of the race.
Price per participant
Until January 29th, 2017
Youth FPO members <20 years - 1 €
FPO Adults - € 3
Young not registered with the FPO <20 years - 3 € (Competition classes)
Open classes - € 3
Adults not registered with the FPO - € 7 - (Competition classes)
Open classes - € 4
An insurance fee of 1.75 € per day is included in the rates of the open classes.
SI-CARD rental - € 1 per day. The loss of the rented Si-card implies the payment of 30 Eur.
The entry fee in the open classes includes the rental of the Chip.
Promotions for Families and Groups in Open classes:
Young people (up to the age of 17), when accompanied by their parents, do not pay in open classes.
Groups of adults with 2 or more elements, pay 8 euros + 2 euros for each extra element.
Competition format
- The starts have an interval of 3 minutes in the competition classes
- Athletes should be aware of their start time. At the start, athletes must pass through three consecutive sections.
When the clock indicates the athlete's starting time, the athlete must enter the first section. This will take place 3 minutes before his/her start. The name and number of the athlete will be confirmed (the bib number should be used at the front and it can not be folded or covered). The absence of a bib will prevent the athlete from starting.
In the second section, the athlete collects the signage, which contains the description of the location of the checkpoints (it is recommended the use of sign holders to facilitate their reading during the race). The signage will also be printed on the map.
In the third (last) section, the athlete moves to the box that contains the map of his class and waits until his start time, without seeing the map. At the start time, the athlete grabs the map from the box (each athlete is responsible for taking the correct map and confirming that it corresponds to his class) and follows the signs that mark the course to the triangle (indicated on the ground by a post without a station and on the map by a triangle).
- Athletes who arrive late for their start will be immediately identified and will leave as soon as the organization indicates they can. They will not receive a new departure time.
- The course is marked on the ground from the start line (reception of the map and start of the race) to the triangle. Athletes should progress within 10 m of the marks on the ground, otherwise they will be disqualified.
Control System
The SportIdent electronic system will be used. Athletes will be able to use their own SI-Card (they will have to indicate the number when registering) or rent one from the organization.
The checkpoints must be controlled in the sequential order that has been defined by the organization. The athlete must place is SI-Card on the station and wait for about 1 second until a light flashes and / or a beep is heard. In case of failure of the SportIdent system, one of the reserve squares of the map must be punctured.
All athletes must cross the finish line and control at the Finish station. After arrival they should unload their chip (SI-Card), even if they have not completed the entire route. If this does not happen, they may be considered lost and trigger a search and rescue operation.
- Provisional results will be posted in the finish area.
- Official results will be available on the event website.
- Please note that the bib number is mandatory! The bib should be placed at the front. All bibs delivered to non-FPO participants as well as rented SI Cards must be returned to the Organization at the end of the event.
Any athlete will be disqualified if:
A) You miss some control point;
B) You don't perform the course in the order established by the organization;
C) You lose the SI-Card;
D) You arrive beyond the time limit for the execution of the race (2 hours);
E) You cause damage in private or garden areas;
F) You disrespect the general rules of forest protection;
G) You violate other rules established by the organization;
Other information:
- First aid will be available in he finish area
- Maximum time for each race (Middle distance): 2 hours
- Collection of maps in the finish area until the departure of the last athlete
- Parking at the concentration area, indicated by arrows
- Collection of keys and luggage in the Secretariat
- Drinking water at the finish area
All athletes in competition are obliged to assist other athletes in the event of an accident. Any accident occurring during the course of the race is the responsibility of the athletes, in any way that exceeds the risk covered by the Sports Insurance. This insurance covers the risks resulting from accidents suffered during the activity, under the conditions set out in the competition regulations.
Competition Rules:
The FPO competition regulations will be used.
The organizers may establish special rules, respecting the regulations in force.
General rules
1. The only auxiliary guidance medium allowed is the compass.
2. Participants who present themselves in the start area after their start time must leave after being allowed by the organization, subject to the penalty of the time that has elapsed (as a rule, organizations must refuse requests to change start times, except in cases of proven abnormality and under the agreement of the Supervisor).
3. Among others, are considered obligations of athletes:
A) To be present in the race with the bib duly placed and visible and to keep it during the race;
B) To be present in the race with the SI Card duly placed and visible and facilitate its verification by the organization;
C) To perform your race with clothes that cover the legs and the trunk;
D) To notify the Organization team if he/sge does not complete the race;
E) To assist any athlete in case of an accident, if circumstances so warrant;
F) To respect all the areas marked private or cultivated;
G) To deliver the map on the finish area, when so determined by the organization,
H) To attend the Prize-giving Ceremony, especially when he/she is one of the winners, valuing the work of the organizers and the support provided
4. It is a reason for disqualification of any athlete:
A) The non-execution of the course in the order established by the organization;
B) The loss of the SI Card;
C) The absence, not justified, of the bib number during the course of race;
D) To arrive beyond the time limit for the execution of the race;
E) To cause damages in private or cultivated areas;
F) To disrespect the general rules of forest protection;
G) To violate other rules established by the organization.
5. The time limit given to an athlete to perform their individual race is: Middle Distance-2 hours;