The Mountain Club of Funchal will again organize the Madeira Orienteering Festival.
This year the event will have stages in Porto Moniz, Santana and Machico, three municipalities with excellent conditions for Tourism and Sports in Nature.
The Madeira Orienteering Festival is a Pedestrian Orientation event, open to people of any age, and can participate in all stages or only in one, in the competition or in the open categories, individually or in groups.
The Madeira Orienteering Festival 2019 will consist of the following stages:
• February 1, 2019 - Friday afternoon - Fanal (Porto Moniz) - Forest stage;
• February 2, 2019 - Saturday morning - Queimadas (Santana) - Forest stage;
• February 2, 2019 - Saturday afternoon - Machico - Urban stage;
• February 3, 2019 - Sunday morning - Chão das Feiteiras (Machico) - Forest stage.
The organization welcomes all MOF 2019 participants!